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Annual Area Plans

The Area Plan describes in detail the specific services to be provided to the population of older adults residing in each Planning and Service Area (PSA). The plan is developed from an assessment of the needs of the PSA as determined by public input that involves public hearings, the solicited participation of those affected and their caregivers, and service providers. The plan also states the goals and objectives that the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) and its staff and volunteers plan to accomplish during the planning period.

2024 Area Plan

This four-year cycle is for the period of January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2027.

2024 Area Plan pic.png

Office Address: 

2414 Mahan Drive Tallahassee, FL 32308

Elder Helpline:




Office Phone:




NEW DOEA Logo 2023.png

Connect with us!

The Area Agency on Aging for North Florida serves as the designated Aging and Disability Resource Center for the Panhandle and Big Bend areas.

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© 2022  Area Agency on Aging for North Florida d.b.a. Advantage Aging Solutions. All rights reserved. 

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